>    MAContainer class>>descriptionChildren
>      ^ (MAToManyRelationDescription accessor: (MASelectorAccessor read:  
>#children write: #setChildren:) label: 'Elements' priority: 400  
>default: self defaultCollection)
>        classes: (MADynamicObject on: [ MAElementDescription  
>withAllConcreteClasses ]);
>        beOrdered;  " <--- this was missing "
>        yourself

Ah yes, I found out about this part myself as well, but I held back on my findings because I think I messed something up and now my adaptive form won't save the changes that I made to the metamodel.

Anyway, glad my poking around aided in the discovery and squashing of bug :)


----- Original Message ----
From: Lukas Renggli <renggli@iam.unibe.ch>
To: "Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ..." <smallwiki@iam.unibe.ch>
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2006 12:34:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Pier/Magritte Question] Customizing Edit Form Page

> In the form editor (invoked by PREditFormCommand), editing the  
> priorities of the descriptions labeled under "elements" in an  
> adaptive form doesn't seem to do anything.  An example of the type  
> of description editor that I'm looking for is the form editor in  
> Aare that you presented in your master thesis, where you can move  
> the order of the descriptions up and down, in addition to removing  
> and editing them.

Now I understand. You found a bug! ;-)

The problem was that the description of the container didn't set the  
children to ordered and then the report didn't display the 'up' and  
'down' links. This bug is fixed in Magritte-Model-lr.225. Thanks for  

    MAContainer class>>descriptionChildren
      ^ (MAToManyRelationDescription accessor: (MASelectorAccessor read:  
#children write: #setChildren:) label: 'Elements' priority: 400  
default: self defaultCollection)
        classes: (MADynamicObject on: [ MAElementDescription  
withAllConcreteClasses ]);
        beOrdered;  " <--- this was missing "

Some background information: The Form Editor in Pier is completely  
auto generated, there is no additional code. In contrary the editor  
in Aare, a commercial workflow definition and management system, has  
been especially customized for this application. Therefor it displays  
only a small selection of relevant tools for our customer.

> Let me know if I'm still not making much sense here.  This meta  
> stuff and Smalltalk are still very new to me, so I might not be  
> using the correct terminologies here.

Btw, I'll be at Camp-Smalltalk and ESUG in Prague starting from  
Saturday for a week. If anybody is interested to participate and I  
find some spare time I would like to start with new (not sure yet if  
this will be 1.1 or 2.0) and rethought version of Magritte. And yes,  
I will also give two Seaside related presentations ;-)

See you in Prague,

Lukas Renggli

SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...