i work with visualworks 7.5    /     Squeak 3.9-7067\gemtools-7067dev07.10.1
     and Gemstone OODB 2.2.4.
I'm interested do create web interface to some object into Gemstone ( GLASS Framework )
I think to do it with Magritte ( it's a right solution ? ).
For any object create the specific descriptionA....   , descriptionB..., ecc. ecc.   class methods and use asComponent to open web interface.
I port Magritte tutorial into Glass and work fine.
But, for example, i'm interested to create Title options from other TitleInstances , ( not from Array of string, but from Array of TitleInstance )
and save in MAPersonModel title the link to one specific titleInstance
 ^ MASingleOptionDescription new
  options: #( 'Mr.' 'Mrs.' 'Ms.' 'Miss.' );
  autoAccessor: 'title';
  label: 'Title';
  priority: 10;

 ^ MASingleOptionDescription new
  options: TitleDatabase asArrayOfInstances;
  autoAccessor: 'title';
  label: 'Title';
  priority: 10;
Questio A)
What i need to define to do it ?
I 'can find example relative to Magritte in Gemstone?
Question B)
When change the description about one class what do i do to update the relative web interface?
In vw i use MADescriptioBuilder default flash .
Question C)
When i need to use [ ....] asDynamicObject?
If i use    options:  TitleDatabase asArrayOfInstances
it's enough to have options update to last version or ....?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
