Hi John, it seems you were right at the end.... I was not submitting the form. But this is not all.
The original method was:
MACheckboxColumn >> renderCellFormContent: anObject on: html
html checkbox
value: (self isSelected: anObject);
callback: [ :value | self selectRow: anObject value: value ]
The only way I found to make it work is like this (notice the form, the label and the submitOnClick)
renderCellFormContent: anObject on: html
html form: [
html label: [
html checkbox
value: (self isSelected: anObject);
callback: [ :value | self selectRow: anObject value: value ]]]
but #submitOnClick is deprecated. So I don't know how this is supposed to be fixed without such a deprecation:
WAFormInputTag >> submitOnClick
greaseDeprecatedApi: 'WAFormInputTag>>#submitOnClick'
details: 'Use a dedicated Javascript library.'.
self onClick: 'submit()'
I have my own subclass of MACheckedColumn so I override this method. But I wanted to fix it and commit for others.