On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 4:17 AM, dtrussardi@tiscali.it <dtrussardi@tiscali.it> wrote:
Hi John,thanks,i have initialize the instance indirizzoMemo and this error is eliminated.I have another question based on this model.If descriptionIndirizzoMemo is set with beReadOnly,when display the MAAccountModel new asComponent the descriptionIndirizzoMemo fields is readonly ( it's ok ) .The problem is when submit the form because the container erase the errors relative to the descriptionIndirizzoMemo fields condition.
But it's readOnly and d'ont do any control on it.Or not ?I am unsure why you would want it to be read only AND be required. These conditions conflict. Unless the object in the instance var has all its details already filled in from somewhere else and you only want the user to view them? Otherwise, maybe you want to programmatically change the description to be writable at some point.... you can do that by sending beWriteable to the description.Good luckJohnThanks,DarioHello Dario,
You have to initialize that instance variable indirizzoMemo (otherwise there is really nothing to edit, no?)
You can do this most easily by adding it as a default for the MAAccountModel>>descriptionIndirizzoMemo description:
default: MAIndirizzoModel new;
JohnOn Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:56 AM, dtrussardi@tiscali.it <dtrussardi@tiscali.it> wrote:
i work with Magritte-Model-lr.394 on pharo.
I have a MAAccountModel with descriptionCodice and descriptionIndirizzoMemo.
The last is defined as:
^ (MAToOneRelationDescription new)
componentClass: MAInternalEditorComponent ;
classes: (Array with: MAIndirizzoModel);
selectorAccessor: 'indirizzoMemo';
label: 'Indirizzo';
comment: 'Indirizzo di riferimento';
priority: 220;
Now MAIndirizzoMemoModel is defined with some other description:
and other description.
( You can load the file mcz. )
Now when open: MAAccountModel new asComponent
i found the error:
MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "isMultipart" is nil
^ self children anySatisfy: [ :each | each isMultipart ]
The error is erase only with componentClass set to : MAInternalEditorComponent.
Any considerations ?
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