I'm trying to code my first Magritte-based form but it persistently refuses to display the input fields.
"comment stating purpose of message"
^ MAStringDescription new
selectorAccessor: #patients;
label: 'Patienten';
priority: 90;
default: 'Schnulli, Bulli';
"comment stating purpose of message"
^ MADateDescription new selectorAccessor: #startDate;
label: 'Beginn am';
priority: 100;
default: (Date today subtractDays: (Date today dayOfMonth - 1));
and I created the mentioned accessors.
Instance method on the seaside component:
"Calendar form"
| calendar |
calendar := self call: (SFCalendar new asComponent addValidatedForm; yourself)
Sending :createNewCalendar yields:
<form accept-charset="utf-8" method="post" action="http://localhost:8090/seaside/Patientenkalender"><div><input name="1" value="Default" style="position: absolute; top: -100em" type="submit" class="submit"/><input name="2" style="position: absolute; top: -100em" type="text" class="text"/></div><table></table><div class="buttons"><input accesskey="S" value="Save" name="3" type="submit" class="submit"/><input accesskey="C" value="Cancel" name="4" type="submit" class="submit"/></div><div><input name="_s" value="upMkEUpoGnxWGUvO" type="hidden" class="hidden"/><input name="_k" value="xxCuTzvW" type="hidden" class="hidden"/></div></form>
So I get some internal (?) input fields off the top of the page and an empty table (which is where I should probably get my input fields?).
Help is greatly appreciated. Joerg.