On 11 October 2010 08:32, Lukas Renggli
<renggli@gmail.com> wrote:
Wow, that's a very nasty bug. Amazing that this hasn't hit anybody
before. Looks like this could happen quite common in systems like
Pier, not only with MABooleanDescription instances.
The validation code is really ugly. And likely this bug was introduced
when trying to support the validation for recursive structures. I
would be happy if someone could rewrite that code? (also get rid of
these nested, resumable exceptions).
I'm happy to help, especially as I'd like a fix for the code I'm developing.
However I'm struggling to understand the intent of the some of the code for example I don't understand the intent behind the use of object and previous in MAGraphVisitor>>#use:during
MAGraphVisitor>>#use: anObject during: aBlock
| previous |
(seen includes: anObject)
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
anObject isNil
ifFalse: [ seen add: anObject ].
previous := object. object := anObject.
aBlock ensure: [ object := previous ]