2007/3/20, stéphane ducasse <ducasse@iam.unibe.ch>:

On 20 mars 07, at 14:57, Lukas Renggli wrote:

>> Ok Lukas.
>> Does this persitency scheme adds some descriptions to the
>> structures? (like Unix Security adds owner/user/group description
>> for example)
> Yes, most extension packages use descriptions to extend existing
> classes with new functionality. The information is basically already
> there (see #creationTimestamp and #modificationTimestamp), I probably
> just missed to add the description.

which would make a lot of sense since they represent some really key
information for querying.
So seb please add them.


> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki

SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Ok, done.
I just added two timestamp descriptions to PRStructure (creation & modification).
Creation is initialized with "Timestamp now" in #doExecute of PRAddCommand.
Modification is initialized/modified in #doExecute of PREditCommand.

They can be retrieved by their respectives selectors and by #creationTimestamp and #modificationTimestamp if no persistency scheme is plugged.

It seems to work (and it looks nice in the report ^^). Did I forget something?

Anyway Lukas, we were talking with stef about adding "comparison description" to the meta-descriptions of Magritte.
For example:
I have a report that lists every pages of Pier. It's a MAReport, so it uses pages descriptions and it's very nice.
Now, I want that report to show me only pages that match a specific query (say Creation timeStamp = Today). Something in the Macintosh finder's style ;). It could be great, to build this query, if I could choose a description in a dropdown menu and then, this description tells me "you can compare me this way, using these methods". Then I show another dropdown menu with these methods. And so everything could be done dynamically. If you decide to add a new description to PRStructure, then my report will still work, and so on...

Do you see what I mean and do you have an ideas on that? :p


Sébastien JULLIAND