Thank you Lukas and Tudor
for your helpful answers. First I used the current version of Pier in Squeak 3.10.2 from the Universe but now I use the Pier 1.0.17 download from

My interest is to construct a Pier kernel with code through a model transformation (visit another model and construct a pier model).

I could construct a
   MyPierModel2    "code see below"
and register it as an application to be accessed as

I works nicely. Do you have any further suggestions/hints how to construct these wiki models?
How are the name of a PRPage and the title related? Should a PRDocument object which is hold by the PRPage object be without a title, because the title is in the PRPage object? I assume that only the name of the PRPage object is used as the reference for links and the title text might differ.

Kind regards
Hannes Hirzel


| p2 |
p2 := PRPage named: 'anotherPage'.  "This just creates a default page, which serves as a link target"

MyPierModel2 := 

(PRPage named: 'ThePageNameOfTheFirstPageOfMyWiki')
addChild: p2;
document: (

PRDocument new
            add: (PRParagraph new
                add: (PRText content: 'some text');
            add: ((PRHeader new)
                        level: 2;
                    add: (PRText content: 'The heading level 2');
            add: (PRUnorderedList new
                    add: (PRListItem new add: (PRText content: 'aaa'));
                    add: (PRListItem new add: (PRText content: 'bbb'));
                    add: (PRListItem new add: (PRText content: 'ccc'));
            add: (PRPreformatted new
                add: (PRText content: '   A line with 3 spaces');
                add: (PRText content: '    A line with a tab');
            add: (PRInternalLink reference: 'anotherPage')       

PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'mypier2' kernel: (
    (PRKernel named: 'mypierkernel2'
    root: MyPierModel2)

"Access the application with:"

(I put a somewhat simple example at


Tudor Girba <> hat am 4. Oktober 2008 um 17:40 geschrieben:

> For a detailed example of setting up a Pier instance, take a look at 
> PRDistribution from the Pier-Setup package. This class is the one that 
> creates the Pier that comes with the distribution.
> To create the Pier distribution you should call:
> PRDistribution new register.
> Cheers,
> Doru