On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Keith Hodges
<keith_hodges@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> I tried
> |Installer mantis ensureFix: 7219.
> Installer ss project: 'Rio'; install: 'Rio-Kernel'; install: 'Rio-Grande'.
> |But in RioLocalExecutive>>initialize
> when it does "Current initializeDefault"
> I get RioLocalDosExecutive DNU initializeDefault.
> Any idea?
> Thanks!
> Mariano|
> |
Check the Universe's entry for Rio, I am sorry that the packages you are
loading are long obsolete.
Nicolas: which version are you using of Rio? how did you install it?
I tried version 4 from Universe but I get an error in:
" Create the folder if necessary "
folder ifNil:
[ folder := PGGallery globalLocalPicturesPath asRio / self galleryPath.
folder exists ifFalse: [ folder mkdir ].
representationWidth ifNotNil: [ self parseFolder ] ].
^ folder
Because ByteString DNU asRio.