
Great to see Pier getting some love.

I don’t know if it will help, but some time back I had a go at bringing it up to date for seaside 3.1 and making it portable again between Pharo, GemStone and VisualWorks. Pretty much everything was working.

The results are at:


I haven’t had a project for it since then so I can’t be sure it still working, sorry.  I'd love to use it for personal projects so it would be great to have it back in circulation.



On 11 Mar 2019, at 1:17 pm, John Borden <jborden23@mac.com> wrote:

Anyone who contributed to Pier - Lately I’ve been porting Pier to Pharo 7, and saving my progress in https://github.com/jborden23/Pier3.  Currently I can whip up an image that displays, but none of the commands work, however at least the license at http://localhost:8765/pier/information/license is functional.  I also noticed that there’s a PRBasicObject>>pierLicense to add.  Are there any other license-related changes I need to make before moving this to GitHub?  

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...