i don't understund because but in my environment, when the pier rendering the
Menu based on:
(PRPage named: 'menu')
'- *Home>/*
- *Chi siamo>/chisiamo*
- *Missione>/missione*
- *Despina>/despina*
- *Catalogo>/catalogo*
- *Menu on-line>/menuonline*
- *Blog>/blog*
- *Riferimenti>/riferimenti*';
yourself ]
the relative anchor don't report any _K parameter.
Accordingly when i click on one menu item the filter can't address the request
and create a new instance whenever.
I update the menu page with the Pier interface but the error persist.
Yesterday i have a problem with the first menu item : Home
after the first display it lose the link to the home page.
I solved the problem adding to my PierDistribution root method the :
self rootPage enumerator
[ :each |
each outgoingReferences
do: [ :link | (link isKindOf: PRInternalLink) ifTrue: [ link target: nil ] ].
each securityDecoration owner: self kernel users anyOne.
each securityDecoration group: self kernel groups anyOne ].
With this declaration the Home work fine, but i have the over problem
my some other considerations:
i work with Pier 3.0.0
I have a pier site with a menu to manage some pages.
Some of this pages are configured to manage components.
For test i add some Counter seaside application instances.
Now when display a specific page with some counter it work fine:
i can change any specific counter instance in the page
My Pier instance is based on PRDistribution where i declared
^ counterwidget ifNil: [counterwidget := (PRComponent named: 'counter')
componentClass: WACounter;
title: 'Counter on-line';
The relative page is declared with:
(PRPage named: 'counterpage')
title: 'Embed';
All works fine at the first display.
My problem is when i change the menu for display another page.
In this case when redisplay a page with the counters all instance are reset to 0.
I remark the problem :
when redisplay the counterpage the counter is reset to 0.
I do some test in hold image based on Pier 2.0.6 and with it all works fine.
( i don't remember particular setting into Pier 2.0.6 Pharo image)
The WACounter remember is state and is right rendered when i redisplay the relative
This is my objective.
How i read in some Pier documents my goal is to embedded seaside application / component
into Pier.
Now my question is:
what do i do for redisplay the counter at the last update ?
I do some test adding the component directly in a page with Pier interface but the
problem remain into Pier 3.0
I need to configure something ?
Renewal my thanks for any considerations
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...