
i test the Pier 3.0  into a Gemstone environment.

I load the  3.0.3 [ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns]  and all seems loaded properly.

I configured the default pier instance  adding the NAFileUploadConfiguration

and setup the relative 

to the directory on the server  for save the image.

After login in the pier instance in the traditional mode ( not with pier-admin )

i can update one pier page.

When i work with the image support the system don't work fine.

I need to change  the:

PRFileUploadWysiwygEditorBase  createUploadedFilepath: method with  the code between ******

createUploadedFilepath: filename | pathroot currentStructure structurePath destinationDirectory pathRootNoTrailingSlash | pathroot := self application fileuploadPathRoot. currentStructure := self context structure. structurePath := currentStructure absolutePath copyReplaceAll: '/' with: GRPlatform current pathSeparator . pathRootNoTrailingSlash := (FileDirectory on: pathroot) pathName. destinationDirectory := FileDirectory on: (pathRootNoTrailingSlash, structurePath). NAExternalFile ensureDirectoryExists: destinationDirectory pathName.
"^ (destinationDirectory / filename) pathName"
^( FileDirectory on: (destinationDirectory fullNameFor: filename)) pathName


With this change the image is save in the specific directory on the server.

Anyone ( if this change are considered right ) can update the relative package ?

I have some problem relative to the web request for the image.

For now the request

  <img alt="Pizzaflash.jpg" src="/pier/about/pizzaflash.jpg">

don't work.

My thoughts, my goal  is that the image is manage directly by the Lighttpd or Apache web server 

not read by Gemstone environment and response with:


respondUsing: aResponse
| file |
file := self context structure file.
contentType: file mimetype seasideMimeType;
headerAt: 'Content-Disposition' put: 'inline; filename="' , file filename , '"';
nextPutAll:  file contents;

Any consideration is welcome.
