Cédrick Béler a écrit :
Hi ...
I don't really see how the different MAaccesor work... as I'm always
using MASelector...
Do you use last Magritte version ? There is comments in the MAAccessor
classes now.
For instance, what could be the use of
MADictionnaryAccesor ?
This one expects a dictionary as the model and a key to create the
accessor. #read: is equivalent to #at: on dictionaries while #write:to:
is equivalent to #at:put:.
MAVariableAccesor ? (used in MADescription class)
MAVariableAccessor is used only as a convenience constructor in
MADescription in fact. It access directly a variable of the model passed
to #write:to: or #read. You'd better use MASelectorAccessor or
MAContainerAccessor ?
This one is not supposed to write. And when used for reading, it answers
the model given as the argument.
Are they always linked to real instance variables
(created) ?
Not at all. Only MAVariableAccessor use instance variables directly.
MASelectorAccessor does not require a variable, it can store in a
database for example or something else that fit your needs.
Damien Cassou
CSS3 : "On passe au HSL, plus intuitif et moins orienté CRT que le
RGB. Il y a du HSLA". Et en plus, ça veut dire quelque chose (au moins
pour l'auteur) !