Mmm, per un attimo ho pensato che la tua mail fosse spam  :)
Cmq ora come ora non so aiutarti, diciamo che non ho capito una mazza. Magari se ci si vede...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Loddo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:02 PM
Subject: file upload & Action

> hi,
> the instance method
> renderForm
> html form: [
>                 html fileUploadWithCallback: [:f | file _ f].
>                 html submitButton.
>         ].
> of an Action subclass I used for a file upload has a problem:
> "f" is an istance of my Action subclass and it is not the file I want to upload.
> Could anybody tell me why?
> Is it necessary to implement a subclass of Action to perform a file
> upload?
> Thanks a lot.
> Andrea Loddo.