Norbert. I get that, but when you do, for example:
aComponent :=
anObject asComponent.
aComponent holds onto the description created above (in
asComponent's implementation), as I understand it.
This means
that as long as aComponent exists, it will always refer to
the same description.
Is that
understanding correct?
I think that is correct. I don't use magritte much lately so my
memory is slightly blurry. I need to give a more precise answer
to the instance side description. A description can alter in two
ways. Either the shape/class of the description changes when
accessed multiple times. I think this is a not so likely thing
to happen. The other way would be if the data in the description
changes because the object changed. So a multiple option
description can update the list of options while the
descriptions stay the same. And that is one thing you gain with
Magritte3 because you can have descriptions with dynamic data
that has access to the instance.