First, I'm using latest versions of Seaside 2.8, Scriptaculous andMagritte and Pier (magritte and pier installed through "Magrite-All" (260) and pier through "Pier-All" (279)That sounds perfect.In the browser, I select "Change Other", picking "remove","recursive" and "view" in the list, then apply... and nothing happens.If I select "Environment" and then repeat the operation Idescribe... and again, nothing.Trying the same operation with Pier-OB and I have the same result.From a default installation you have to make sure that all structurehave an owner and a group. You can do this from the root (defaultsettings not shown):Change OwnerRecursive: trueOwner: Admin-> ApplyThen you need to log-in, as a lot of functionality disappeared due tomissing authentication.LoginUsername: adminPassword: pier-> LoginNext set the group. Again in the root (default settings not shown):Change Group
Recursive: trueOwner: Admin-> ApplyNow you can go to a page that should not be visible for nonadministrators and apply the following:Change OtherRecrusive: trueOperator: RemovePermissions: View-> ApplyWhen you log-out the page is not visible or accessible anymore.Lukas--Lukas Renggli_______________________________________________SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...