On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 3:45 AM, Lukas Renggli
<renggli@gmail.com> wrote:
> Shouldn't
> MARelationComponent>>editorFor: anObject
> ^ (self description reference asComponentOn: anObject)
> addValidatedForm;
> yourself
> be rather
> MARelationComponent>>editorFor: anObject
> ^ (anObject description asComponentOn: anObject)
> addValidatedForm;
> yourself
> ?
It depends what you want to do. I suggest that you create a subclass
that works for your use-case.
As I already explained here several times, I've personally never used
the relationships. I rarely found the default behavior useful, and
another default behavior was not useful in other contexts.
I have always found this statement to be somewhat disturbing on each of those several occasions.
Could you elaborate on this a little? What *would* you use to describe a collection? Do you mean that you always subclass the needed relationship classes to suit your needs?
Lukas Renggli