I've discovered that I had many processes preventing
the HTTPServer get a chance to be foreground priority, so none of the wikis
where serving. I just made a terminate on the processes, restarted the wikis
and they browse now almost OK.
I said almost, because after a change of the path of
the VWNC image, every page that had at least one resource, is giving a
walkback, because it can't load resource nn and giving exception: File or
directory 'Resource/nn' not exists. This is curious because I've setup every
wiki with anImageStorage an not any of the other options, so one do not expect
that a change of image's path will have impact on the wikis persistance
What do I have to have in mind to
repair the wikis's resources?
Any help will be
Sebastián Sastre
Special Software
I had an image of VisualWorks NC running
SmallWiki for a while. Right now I've instantiated another wiki to make some
test (on an unused port).
For some reason the wikis are offline. Their
respective Swazoo servers are never responding true to #isServing. I've
stopped and started the services lot of times without
Also, I saw that I have in this image several
instances of SmallWiki that are old and I can't find who is preventing it to
be garbage collected.
any clue?
Sebastián Sastre
Special Software