For the record I've changed the script I run to create a simple Pier instance once I've loaded the code:

PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel new root: (PRPage new title: 'test title'; contents: 'Pier on Seaside 3.0'; name: 'testPage'); name: 'testKernel').

I realised I needed to name the page, otherwise errors result when trying to edit the page.

2010/1/9 Lukas Renggli <>
Thank you for these scripts. I use them to load the new code into
Seaside 3.0 images, see

This job builds a Seaside 3.0, saves it; loads Magritte 2 into that
image, saves it; and finally loads Pier 2 and saves it. It also runs
the tests and generates a report. I haven't yet tried the actual
images, but this should make it easier to see what works and what is


2010/1/8 Nick Ager <>:
> I reviewed all my merges and discovered I'd lost changes in:
> PRPierFrame>>initialRequest
> PRViewCommand>>initialRequest
> MAOneToManyComponent>>add
> With the corrections in place, Pier appears to working once again. There are
> a couple of anomalies - the Pier logo doesn't appear on the home screen and
> I received one walkback while clicking around. I'll investigate these
> problems later. I've also yet to look at any add-ons including the
> Pier-Blog.
> I've loaded the code into a fresh seaside3.0a5 image (with updated Gofer)
> and the code loads cleanly.
> For reference the load script I used was:
> "Load Magritte for Seaside 3"
> Gofer new
> renggli: 'magritte2';
> package: 'Magritte-Model';
> package: 'Magritte-Pharo-Model';
> package: 'Magritte-Tests-Model';
> package: 'Magritte-Tests-Pharo-Model';
> package: 'Magritte-Seaside';
> package: 'Magritte-Pharo-Seaside';
> package: 'Magritte-Morph';
> load.
> "Load Pier for Seaside 3"
> Gofer new
> renggli: 'pier2';
> package: 'Pier-Core';
> package: 'Pier-Pharo-Core';
> package: 'Pier-Model';
> package: 'Pier-Pharo-Model';
> package: 'Pier-Tests-Model';
> package: 'Pier-Seaside';
> package: 'Pier-Pharo-Seaside';
> package: 'Pier-Security';
> package: 'Pier-Pharo-Persistency';
> package: 'Pier-Tests-Security';
> load.
> PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel new root:
> (PRPage new title: 'test'; contents: 'Pier on Seaside 3.0'))
> _______________________________________________
> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...

Lukas Renggli
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...