>>> > In addition, I don't see "Import Local Pictures" command, only "Import
>>> > Zip
>>> > with pictures". Any idea?
>>> er... that's weird ! import local pictures should be here, look at the
>>> PGImportLocalFilesCommand class.
>> Yes, this was weird. I will took a clean image and try again.
> Nicolas: I really want and need to use your Gallery.
> I did everything again and have the same problem. There is the class "Import
> Local Pictures" but it is not showed.
> I attach and screenshot.
This is very odd. If you start a Transcript in your image, do you see
any error messages ?
No. Just "generator thread started".
Also, check that PRStructure do contain a "isGallery" method (if
somehow it doesn't, it would at least explain the "import local
pictures" missing.
Yes. isGallery is implemented in PRStructure with ^ false and ^ true in PRGallery.
One thing you can try is to execute the following in a workspace:
PGImageRequest generator: nil
Then edit your gallery (you did create a gallery and not a gallery
list, right?),
Yes. I am creating a Gallery, not Gallery List.
maybe change the size of the thumbnails, this will
force a refresh (same as what "import local pictures" would do). Check
on your server the directory that normally should have contained the
pictures -- what there anything created ?
Yes. That trick would generate all again.
e.g. you would have something like:
Root Pictures Path: http://www.yoursite.com/photos/
Root Local Pictures Path: /var/www/photos/
Gallery Directory Name: MyGallery
if you go look into /var/www/photos you should have something. Maybe
do ls -al and see if anything was created.
RioRemoteExecutive>>host from host ^ url authority
host ^ url authority, ':', url port asString
However....it doesn't show the pictures :(
I don't know what else to test or debug...
Thanks for the help
For what I can see on your screenshot, the pictures were found and
each picture structure added. What happened if you click on one of
these ? (e.g. in your first sshot, click on "100_2995.JPG"). This
should show you a page with the image, or if not, with a list of
command, one of them being "regenerate" which should try to recreate
the image.
Yes. I saw that command but same results: the image is not displayed.
If you want to debug what happens, try this: open a transcript in your
image, open a workspace, reinit the image generator ("PGImageRequest
generator: nil"), then put a breakpoint in the PGImageGenerator class'
constructor to see what happens, and finally go onto one of the
imported image page and click on regenerate. This should automatically
recreate a PGImageGenerator instance that should receive the image
request message -- from then you can trace to see what's happening.
Maybe you can also try to manually test (using a workspace) if the
PGSqueakImageAssistant class do work correctly on windows -- could be
a problem with the jpeg writer class ?..
I am now in Linux :(
Nicolas Roard
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound
they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams