" 1. rename classes " Smalltalk allClassesDo: [ :class | (class name beginsWith: 'SW2') ifTrue: [ class rename: 'PR' , (class name allButFirst: 3) ] ]. " 2. rename class organization " Smalltalk organization categories do: [ :category | (category findString: 'smallwiki2' startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: false) = 1 ifTrue: [ Smalltalk organization renameCategory: category toBe: 'Pier' , (category allButFirst: 10) ] ]. " 3. rename method organization " Smalltalk allClassesDo: [ :each | { each. each class } do: [ :class | class organization categories do: [ :category | (category findString: '*smallwiki2' startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: false) = 1 ifTrue: [ class organization renameCategory: category toBe: '*pier' , (category allButFirst: 11) asLowercase ] ] ] ]. " 4. load Pier-All manually from http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/pier. This will ask for a new instance within Seaside, if you choose the default settings your old wiki will still be available at /seaside/smallwiki and a new one has been created at /seaside/pire. The following code removes the now unused Monticello packages. " MCWorkingCopy allManagers copy do: [ :each | (each packageName beginsWith: 'SmallWiki2') ifTrue: [ each unregister ] ]. " 5. display undeclared references in your code " SystemNavigation default browseMessageList: (SystemNavigation default allMethodsSelect: [ :method | method literals anySatisfy: [ :each | each isVariableBinding and: [ each value isBehavior ] and: [ each value name beginsWith: 'PR' ] and: [ method getSourceFromFile asString includesSubString: 'SW2' ] ] ]) name: 'undeclared references to SmallWiki 2 classes' autoSelect: 'SW2'.