Hi Lukas,

I'm happy to help if you can point me in the right direction.

On a different issue - I'm trying to understand PRPierFrame class>>exampleBasic and PRPierFrame class>>exampleDocumentation. Browsing at: localhost:8080/examples/examplebrowser results in WAAtrributeNotFound but only *with Pier installed*. The problem is in PRPierFrame>>initialRequest which calls:
   self application preferenceAt: #kernel
there's no kernel defined, although it is defined within a PRContext in exampleBasic. I'm afraid I don't understand enough about how PRKernel and PRContext are related to WAUserConfiguration to debug further. However this doesn't just appear to be a 3.0 issue - my 2.8 image with Pier installed also generates an error when I browse to localhost:8080/seaside/examples/examplebrowser 

Any thoughts?


2010/1/5 Lukas Renggli <renggli@gmail.com>
> BTW the load errors:
> "FileList2 is Undeclared", in MAFileMorph - doesn't seem too concerning as
> I'm only interested in the seaside bindings.

Yep, the Magritte-Morph is not really required.

> I ignored the error: "Pier-Core depends on PRPackage class>>pierTestsModel"
> PRCommandTest>>testDate(WAPlatform is undefined)
> PRCommandTest>>testTimestamp (WAPlatform is Undeclared)
> PRPersistencyTest>>testMutexForked(WAPlatform is undefined)
> PRSegmentPersistency>>cleanupSeaside (WAEntryPoint is Undeclared)
> Should I be concerned by any of these load errors?

That looks like there is version mismatch between Magritte/Pier and Seaside.

The port of of Magritte/Pier was done for VA Smalltalk by Julian, and
it looks like the code hasn't been adapted to very latest version of
Seaside. Also the code is quite behind the Magritte/Pier code for
Seaside 2.8. Shame on me that I still didn't had time to look into


Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...