The PRDesignChooserWidget registers 'pier' with the new structure in place then sends an #expiredKey response as:
self requestContext responseGenerator
The problem appears to be in a change to WAResponseGenerator>>expiredKey, which was introduced:
Name: Seaside-Core-YM.639
Author: YM
Time: 22 May 2010, 7:39:33 pm
UUID: e24bae83-3671-4679-ac8d-9f21154c304e
Ancestors: Seaside-Core-pmm.638
- Corrected WAResponseGenerator>>#expiredKey to always use the correct URL
- Implemented WAPathConsumer>>#upToEnd
The exception is thrown in the line:
url := self requestContext handler url.
#handler returns a WASession which I presume wasn't expected when the code was written.
Changing the code to:
url := self requestContext request url
stops the exception from being thrown, but doesn't result in a URL free from keys; not the desired effect. I found a handy Pier extension method WAUrl>>purgeSeasideFields.The rewritten WAResponseGenerator>>expiredKey then becomes:
"The session key has expired, redirect the request to the home directory preserving the path as well as possible."
| url |
self request isXmlHttpRequest
ifTrue: [ ^ self forbidden ].
url := self requestContext request url.
url addAllToPath: self requestContext consumer upToEnd.
self request isGet ifTrue: [
url purgeSeasideFields].
self response redirectTo: url
With the requirement that the WAUrl>>purgeSeasideFields is moved from Pier-Seaside-Mapping into Seaside-Core-HTTP.