I did ask this question before, but still don't know how to solve the problem.

So, I have Questionnaire (subclass of PRCase) and it's view QuestionnaireView (PRDefaultView). The latter should render children Polls of Questionnaire using vote command. I need to embed a Questionnaire into another page.

I tried to do it implementing #visitQuestionnaire: in  #PREmbeddedRender

visitQuestionnaire: aStructure
    (aStructure viewComponentClass on: self context) structure: aStructure;
         renderContentOn: html

As far as QuestionnaireView renders polls as components, selecting an option in one of the Polls (posting the form) gives a "WAComponentsNotFoundError" exception (because #children method of QuestionnaireView is not invoked at all).

What is the correct way to implement what I want?

Dennis Schetinin