I (still) observe a strange behaviour of Pier on FireFox 3.5.3. I'd summarize that as following: (some?) actions are just 'ignored' on the main page but are ok at 'About' page. For example: clicking login - entering the username and password - (regardless of correct or incorrect) getting back to the page without any changes (neither logged-in nor error messages). Being logged-in (from 'About' and then back to root) pressing '+' in Pier commands is also ignored. Same for clicks on 'Configure', 'Toggle Halos', 'Profiler', 'Memory' at the bottom of the page...

With Chrome everything seems to be correct...

This is actual for Pharo (pharo1.0-10451-BETAweb09.09.3, and pharo1.0-10466-BETAweb09.10.1) and 'original' (Squeak) Pier (Pier-1.2.app).

Dennis Schetinin