
thanks for your reply.
Yes I have a form with data and I want to change one value.
I have try your solution but I get one error.

Profile class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #persnumber
All method exist :(

I have to check tomorrow.....


On 6/18/07, Damien Cassou <damien.cassou@gmail.com > wrote:
2007/6/18, Henrik Ekenberg <henrik@ekenberg.com >:
> I use "post := self call: (Profile new asComponent addValidatedForm;
> yourself)." for insert data into my fields.
> Works well.
> But If I need to update the data I do not know how to do. :(

What do you mean by update? Do you mean you already have a model and
you want to have a form already filled with the information contained
in the model? If that's the case, try:

self call: (myProfile asComponent addValidatedForm; yourself).

Damien Cassou

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