Gustavo: que bueno ver más Argentinos usando Smalltalk!!! Y sobre todo Squeak :) Yo estudié en la UTN de Buenos Aires y estamos desarrollando
SqueakDBX y haciendo la integración con Glorp!
we are new working with squeak-seaside-magritte in a project of a dental bureau.
we want to do persistency with mysql and an object-relational mapping, and we see the existence of magritte-RDB.
We see it superficially, but it will be better to read some documentation about it, but it is not easy to found in the web. So the question is if you know where is or can bring-us some documentation, or almost how to begin to use it.
best regards
Gustavo Wolfmann
Lab. Computación
Fac. Cs. Ex.Fis y Nat.
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...