I thought I'd try merging these trivial changes (minus cleanupSeaside), but when I checked the changes I was about to check in I noticed that a lot of the methods had changed. My installation script loads the packages in the following order: Pier-Tests, Pier-Tests-Model, Pier-Tests-Security. Here I show my ignorance again. I'm assuming that Pier-Tests should be a "super package" for Pier-Tests-Model and Pier-Test-Security, however it seems that there's a significant difference between the packages. I'm assuming that Pier-Tests-Model and Pier-Tests_Security supersedes Pier-Tests as the date stamps are later (September vs November). In which case I should check my changes into Pier-Tests-Model and then check in Pier-Tests so that the packages are again consistent. Does that make sense?
While I'm stuck with the merge errors I had a look at the load errors:PRCommandTest>>testTime (WAPlatform is Undeclared)
PRCommandTest>>testTimestamp (WAPlatform is Undeclared)
PRCommandTest>>testDate (WAPlatform is Undeclared)
PRPersistencyTest>>testMutexForked (WAPlatform is Undeclared)
PRSegmentPersistency>>cleanupSeaside (WAEntryPoint is Undeclared)
They were easy to fix simply by changing WAPlatform to GRPlatform.However I'm uncertain how to changethe code in PRSegmentPersistency>>cleanupSeaside:
cleanupSeaside"Clear all the entry points that reference other entry points, state and continuations by overriding them with a blank version. Do not try to call #clearAllHandlers because this spawns a new process. Also dump the default dispatcher just to be sure."<cleanup>WAEntryPoint allSubInstancesdo: [ :entry | entry copyFrom: entry class basicNew ].WADispatcher instVarNamed: 'default' put: nilMy best guess is to replace the code with the call:WARegistry clearAllmarks out out 10?2010/1/6 Nick Ager <nick.ager@gmail.com>I've created a fresh seaside3.0a5 image, loaded Magritte and Pier into it and I've failed at the first merge hurdle. I'm starting with Magritte-Model and when I try merging from 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte' I get the error:'Could not find version ''Magritte-Model-lr.358''. Maybe you need to add a repository?'any thoughts on my beginners error?Thanks Nick2010/1/6 Lukas Renggli <renggli@gmail.com>> I'm happy to have a go bringing the Pier 3.0 repository upto the latest 2.8The process is simple: You load the latest Magritte/Pier 3.0 code into
> codebase, but I'll need support. For example I'm not sure how to diff code
> from two different repositories in Pharo..., plus my knowledge of Pier is
> still rudimentary - but I guess I've got to start somewhere... Would it be a
> horrendous undertaking??
your image, then you add the old Magritte and Pier repositories using
the "+Repository" button, open the repository browser on that
repository, select the latest version of each package (e.g.
Magritte-Core) and click on "Merge".
Normally merging should be really easy, but I don't know how much
Magritte and Pier changed from the previous version. Also the merging
does not work if the packages got renamed.