Hi all,
Ok, my problem is that when I try to load Magritte-Seaside into a fresh Pharo 7 image this fails. I had to get back into Pharo and the tools that I could use to analyse this problem, and here is the things that I found:
- Loading it from the Pharo loader resulted in loading it from Smalltalkhub, and although it did not gave any errors: it did not result in a working version
- Loading it from GitHub resulted in an error: ’Seaside-Pharo-Development’ not found. For this I used a fresh Pharo-7 image (the Pharo loader works terrific by the way) and executed following code:
Metacello new
githubUser: ‘Magritte-metauser' project: 'Magritte' commitish: 'master' path: 'source';
baseline: 'Magritte';
load: #( ’Seaside’ )
I believe this should work. But it does not.
To be specific here: this is because the version of Seaside that is referred here, does not contain any definitions for Pharo6. Therefor it cannot find the generic include for Pharo that is done to Seaside-Pharo-Development for Seaside-Pharo-Development-Test. And since this is a tag, and not a branch, it is not so easy to fix, because it is more or less frozen.
- Maybe this last point is a bit academic: The configuration of Magritte on GitHub referred to a fixed version of Seaside and Grease, but since Seaside only has tags, and does refer to master, this also gives a conflict in versions …
I must admit I was a bit fed up, that things just did not work out of the box (terrible pr by the way). So maybe was a bit too fast in “just fixing” the problem. I am sorry for that. I will write a separate mail about what I believe is the right way, and first discuss the configuration management problem, before making other changes to the configuration. For now I will revert to using a clone on my own repository and be able to load it using this.
Hi Diego,
I reverted that change. I don’t think is good to take an actual problem and just make heavy changes like this to fix it. There are more people using the repo.
Can you explain what problem you encounter exactly. Maybe we find another solution to fix it.
Hi all,
Thanks for the fast actions.
It appeared that the problem was the explicit version in the Magritte Configuration to an old Seaside version. This Seaside version did not have any definitions for Pharo6 and Pharo7, and therefor gave errors on loading. I committed the change, removing the version reference to the Seaside repo, and now I have now a working Pharo 7 image again with Magritte. I can load this again with:
Metacello new
githubUser: ‘Magritte-metauser' project: 'Magritte' commitish: 'master' path: 'source';
baseline: 'Magritte';
load: #( ’Seaside’ )
I guess we now need to change this in Pharo 7, that the configuration points to the withub instead of Smalltalkhub. I will test more extensively tomorrow.
Hi all,
I have some time to fix QCMagritte, and wanted to make it work for the latest Pharo and to my surprise, loading Magritte itself is broken for Pharo 7.
There are only 2 people in this repository. Sean or Cyril, can you add me (delware //
diego.lont@delware.nl) to this repository so I can make Magritte working again?
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...