yeh thats a good point, it would be great if we could use the thesis as a foundation to create an up to date versioned Magritte/Pier documentation
> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:47:12 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Magritte book
> i p wrote:
> >
> > "Magritte – Meta-Described Web Application
> > Development" is not a book. but its Lukas's Masters degree thesis work.
> > The thesis documents the the design and overall architecture of
> > magritte, the benefits of magritte and what problems it solves, this is
> > not going to be updated (i dont think ) as it is not inteded to be a
> > book for magritte, but this document will give you a good understanding
> > of the overall architecture and design decisions made in designing
> > magritte .
> > The wiki would be a good place to have up to date information and
> > current documentation, up to date class names etc
> [snip original message]
> Yes, you are technically correct. It is not a book technically. I
> thought it was his thesis, but missed inside where it said so.
> Nevertheless. It can provide an excellent foundation for such a book. It
> is being provided as documentation for Magritte. It would still be nice
> if this documentation was current. If Lukas wishes for this be to be
> left alone and remain a thesis and a historic artifact it can be so and
> with great respect to him for the work he put into his thesis and the
> value it currently provides. But over time it will diminish as
> documentation. In any living system if the documentation isn't also
> changing, then the documentation will at some point become a historic
> artifact of the program at a point in time.
> So the question still remains on whether this thesis can form the
> foundation of a documentation book or booklet which can and will remain
> current documentation of Magritte, Pier, etc? Or do we from the
> knowledge gained from all of the materials start from scratch to create
> such a work?
> His thesis will always be his thesis. That is a historical and
> documented fact. But if it is made available as the beginning of some
> versioned Magritte/Pier documentation then that document can be kept
> current with the state of Squeak, Seaside, Magritte, Pier.
> By versioned I mean it can have a version number which states the
> versions of Squeak, Seaside, Magritte, Pier that are used in its pages.
> Stale documentation always frustrates and hinders beginners and people
> exploring new technology. We need to enable the adoption of these tools.
> Not provide another excuse for passing them by and instead using
> "industry standard" and accepted tools which in many ways are less
> productive than the Squeak toolset.
> Any way just some thoughts.
> Jimmie
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