Hi All,
my english language is very limited, i'm sorry.
I have a PersonModel with some descriptions.
One of it, descriptionAddress is  based on MAToOneRelationDescription
with componentClass: MAExternalEditorComponent
  and classes: ( Array with: MAAddressModel )
When rendering PersonModel  asComponent for the descriptionAddress the system
display the relative low priotity description near the Remove and Edit buttons.
I need to dispaly more data near the button.
I have add, to the descriptionAddress definition the:
 reference:  ( MAAddressModel descriptionCity, MAAddressModel descriptionRegion)
but d'ont work well.
The same problem i found in MASingleOptionDescription where reference: d'ont work.
For MASingleOptionDescription i have solve with optionsAndLabels:
In the MAToManyRelationDescription the reference: define the data to display for any item.
I think same behaviour in MAToOneRelationDescription and MASingleOptionDescription but i wrong. ?!
My question now is:
how i can display some  data near the Remove / Edit buttons  relative to the MAAddressModel instance.