I'm writing this as PRWidget initialisation had me confused for a while, and I guess it might confuse other newcomers. I'd also like to check with the list that my understanding is correct.
^ childrenWidget ifNil: [childrenWidget := (PRComponent named: 'children')
componentClass: PRChildrenWidget;
write: 2
using: PRChildrenWidget descriptionLevel;
write: true
using: PRChildrenWidget descriptionExpand;
PRChildrenWidget class>>descriptionExpand
^ MABooleanDescription new
default: self defaultExpand;
parameterName: 'expand';
accessor: #expand;
label: 'Expand';
priority: 310;
I would have expected an accessor "PRChildWidget>>expand:" to be called with the value: 'true'. I created my PRWidget derived class based on this assumption. However my equivalent setter was not being called and a closer look showed PRChildWidget to have no setters only getters. The getter reads as:
^ self read: #descriptionExpand
What's actually happening is "PRComponent>>description" is being called, not as I'd imagined: "PRChildWidget>>description".
tracing through the following code:
PRComponent>>write: anObject using: aDescription
(self basicDescription includes: aDescription)
ifTrue: [ super write: anObject using: aDescription ]
ifFalse: [
(anObject notNil and: [ aDescription isDocumentDescription ])
ifTrue: [ anObject owner: self ].
self settings at: aDescription put: anObject ]
reveals the code: "self settings at: aDescription put: anObject" is called, so "true" is placed in a settings Dictionary keyed by: #descriptionExpand
I've just about understood the code so far, and though I haven't traced through PRChildrenWidget instantiation it looks like in WAComponent>>initializeOwner:link: that the settings are copied to the newly created PRChildrenWidget object.
I think I can see why there's complexity, but seems a shame that it in WAComponent>>initializeOwner:link: the code couldn't call the accessors of the componentClass assuming that the Magritte descriptions were configured to use an accessor pattern.
Or perhaps I've misunderstood??