Dear all

I am learning Pier and I have two (hopefully) simple questions.

I have looked into the example

   PRPierFrame class>>exampleBasic

which is displayed in the examples browser


I then tried to come up with my own (very simple) wiki model

In a workspace I did

MyPierModel := PRPage new
            title: 'The title of the page';
            contents: '
            The text of my note page.
            More text .....
            Link to *AnotherPage*

And I have changed the example above


PRPierFrame class>>exampleBasicHH1

    "To see this example browse to /seaside/examples/examplebrowser and select the receiver class."

^ self on: (PRContext kernel: (PRKernel new
        name: 'MyPier';
        root: MyPierModel))

The question:

1) What are the proper ways to construct a pier model:  MyPierModel

2) In the Morphic world menu there is an entry 'Pier Browser' which opens an OmniBrowser variant to browse and edit Pier models. When I open it it shows a model called 'Pier' which is the model of the pier application under


What do I need to do if I want to browse the above mentioned model

And a question related to this: How can I replace the 'Pier' model under http://localhost:8080/seaside/pier with MyPierModel?

Thank you for the answers in advance.

Kind regards

Hannes Hirzel