try (untested):

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfJQueryWidgetBox) project latestVersion) load:

2012/2/10 Gastón Dall' Oglio <>
mmmm there are others previous error in log that I send. The last is the important:


Error: MessageNotUnderstood: Form>>capitalized
10 February 2012 8:51:22 am

VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.140]
Image: Pharo1.3 [Latest update: #13320]

Receiver: Form(12x12x32)
Arguments and temporary variables:
aString: 'MessageNotUnderstood: Form>>capitalized'
Receiver's instance variables:
bits: a Bitmap of length 144
width: 12
height: 12
depth: 32
offset: nil

2012/2/10 Gastón Dall' Oglio <>
Sorry, no same error, but with load JqueryWidgetBox I wish say.

2012/2/10 Gastón Dall' Oglio <>
I try to load ConfigurationOfJQueryWidgetBox yesterday in a Seaside 3.0.6 OneClick and I get this same error. I do not know, but it seem to be something with OB.
I do  (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfJQueryWidgetBox) loadLatestVersion , I attach the log.

2012/2/10 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <>
Hi all,

Hi. I'm trying to load a dynatree support[0][1] in Seaside following the instructions at [2]. It says that I need to load the last version of ConfigurationOfJQueryWidgetBox and then  JQWidgetBox-Dynatree-Dev-tbn.3 JQWidgetBox-Dynatree-Core-tbn.3, but it doesn't say how, so following the instructions at [3] I thought that:

 ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfJQueryWidgetBox) loadLatestVersion) load:

would do the trick, but the first object doesn't understand the "load:" message. So there is something I'm not understanding properly. Any help would be appreciated.



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