2014-04-01 10:26 GMT+01:00 Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com>:If you look at the build job, you will see that the stable version works for both Pharo 2 and Pharo 3. It's only the development version that has a problem with Pharo 2 and nobody cares (nor should one care) about it. So, we should just remove the development job for Pharo 2. Who could do that?Not directly related, but I´ve only been able to get a proper Pier setup with the one-click images from lukas' site, which are built with Pharo 1.3. The builds downloaded from CI have a bunch of issues, like showing the commands even to non-logged users, missing links to the management components, or the file settings component throwing some DNU on a MAFileSomething. I just thought it worth mentioning.Cheers,Sergi
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