Hi all,
Using Monticello browser, I just updated a standard 1.2 Pier image to the
latest versions of Pharo (PharoCore1.0-#10517), Seaside 3 and Pier
During the update process, WAAttributeNotFound was raised
the call to #preferenceAt: #scriptGeneratorClass put: aClass
by the
following methods:
- JQAllFunctionalTests class >>initialize
- JQUiAllFunctionalTestsclass >>initialize
- SUAllComponentTestsclass >>initialize
- SUAllFunctionalTestsclass >>initialize
I had to bypass the issue by temporarily the code of those methods.
Now, the same exception is raised again,
trying to connect to Pier via the local host
upon the
call to *self handler configuration at:
WARequestContext >> newDocument.
#newDocument has been changed on Feb, 22, 2010.
Does anybody see how this issue could be better fixed; just reverting to
the previous code doesn't seem a good idea.
Thanks in advance,