Hi all,

Using Monticello browser, I just updated a standard 1.2 Pier image to the latest versions of Pharo (PharoCore1.0-#10517), Seaside 3 and Pier 2.

During the update process, WAAttributeNotFound was raised
        upon the call to #preferenceAt: #scriptGeneratorClass put: aClass
        by the following methods:
- JQAllFunctionalTests class >>initialize
- JQUiAllFunctionalTestsclass >>initialize
- SUAllComponentTestsclass >>initialize
- SUAllFunctionalTestsclass >>initialize

I had to bypass the issue by temporarily the code of those methods.
Now, the same exception is raised again,
        when trying to connect to Pier via the local host (http://localhost:8080/pier),
        upon the call to *self handler configuration at: #scriptGeneratorClass*,
        in WARequestContext >> newDocument.

#newDocument has been changed on Feb, 22, 2010.

Does anybody see how this issue could be better fixed; just reverting to the previous code doesn't seem a good idea.
Thanks in advance,