> <mailto:renggli@gmail.com>> wrote:Hi Mariano,
> I missed that one ;-)
> Yes, it's probable. I am sending lots of mails per day hahaha.
> > Can I do this just with Pier as it is now or I need to extend,
> modify or
> > create something ?
> I would create a Seaside component (subclass of PRWidget). That's
> probably the simplest solution.
> Ok. I will do it then.
> Thanks!
> Mariano
In my environment I am able to subclass the standard renderers,
including the PRReferenceRenderer
in my subclass I add the following, and it works much better than making
a special component for every message that you want to give the user
saying "please log in".
visitInternalLink: aLink
((link hasParameter: 'loggedout') and: [component context isLoggedIn
]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
((link hasParameter: 'loggedin') and: [component context isLoggedIn
not ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
(aLink hasParameter: 'button') ifFalse: [ ^ super visitInternalLink:
aLink ].
html form: [
html button
attributes: (self attributesFor: aLink);
class: 'internal';
title: aLink title;
goto: (self contextForInternalLink: aLink);
with: [ self visitLink: aLink ]
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...