:) Seems like I'm the one who likes to talk to himself...

In the custom render method you can use Magritte to generate a
read-only view of the fields, try something along:

html table: [
       aStructure description do: [ :each |
               (each isEditable and: [ each componentClass notNil ]) ifTrue: [
                       html tableRow: [
                               html tableHeading: each label.
                               html tableData: [
                                       (each componentClass memento: aStructure description: each)
                                               renderViewerOn: html ] ] ] ] ]

This way it ignores pier syntax including all the 'special' symbols in text... I can't understand how to fix it?

I played a little bit more with Pier and understood this question was somewhat stupid...

My current idea is the following... For my site I have to do again and again the same thing: render all the 'details' of the current object and then render 'overview' of it's children. So, considering the 1-st part (details) I'd like to tag some fields as details of the object. So I implemented according methods (#isDetail, #isDetail:, #beDetail) in MADescription. Then I want create DetailedCase as a subclass of PRCase and override there #accept:

DetailedCase >> accept: aVisitor
  aVisitor visitDetailedCase: self

In PRViewRenderer >> visitDetailedCase: anObject I want to visit every property (is it correct term?) of anObject described as detail...
but I can't understand how i can do it... can I get a property of object by description (or vice versa)?

I expect to get all the details about anObject properly presented on the page this way. Am I right?

I did:

PRViewRenderer >> visitDetailedCase: anObject
    self remember: anObject while: [ super visitDetailedCase: anObject ]

PRDeepRenderer >> visitDetailedCase: anObject
    anObject detailedDescription
        do: [:each | self
                visit: (each accessor read: anObject)]

PRVisitor >> visitDetailedCase: anObject
    self visitCase: anObject

It seems to work except the case when I tag MAStringDescription with #beDetail. In that case it tries to visit a String which is collection and so each of its characters should be visited but visiting is not implemented for most of objects including Chars... and I'm affraid the same error will be raised for some other types of description...

Hope to hear (or find by myself if only I'll have enough time) how to do it all the right way tomorrow... :)

Dennis Schetinin