OK, I know that this question (in various forms) has been asked many times and I've seen all the discussions that google would show me but I still don't know how to get what I want.

What I want is to be able to serve static files from seaside (or pier or Comanche or whatever) when I am *developing*.  When I push the site to production, I will be using Apache to serve the static files.  But while I am developing, it would be nice not to have to run Apace and just run Squeak.

I have seen the instructions to make Comanche serve static files (e.g. in Brian Chapados' Pier Design Tutorial) and that does work.  My problem is that I have set setName, defaultName and ServerPath so that seaside/pier is *not* in the url.  But I don't know how to get Comanche to serve static files with those changes.

Can anyone help?
