Ciao Dale, thanks.
I have no great experience in managing this type of updates.I had some considerations.I've looked at this a bit closer and I notice that you are referencing the magritte-metamodel/magritte[1] and that project has not been ported to GLASS yet ... A quick way to tell if a particular project has been ported to GLASS is to look at the .travis.yml[2] file and check to see if there are any GemStone versions being tested.
Ok.I have no idea about it...... how should I proceed?
The GsDevKit/Magrite3[3] was ported to GLASS and the test ran cleanly as of 3 years ago[4]. The project hasn't been updated to SmalltalkCI and the last version tested was GemStone 3.3.1[5]. I just triggered a new build to see where the project stands today[6] - the travis run passed for GemStone 3.2.15 and 3.3.1 ...
Moving forward, I would think the best bet would be to port the magritte-metamodel/magritte project to GLASS and GemStone 3.2.17, 3.3.9, and 3.3.9 ... I assume that Magritte has changed from the point where I forked Magritte 3.3.0 back in December of 2015 ...
From the release history[7] of GsDevKit/Magritte3, it looks like I ported 3.2.0, 3.3.0, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.4.2. the master branch is 3.4.2. I also got a start on 3.5.0, but didn't finish the port to the point where I merged to master ...
I would think that updating GsDevKit/Magritte3 3.4.2 to support smalltalkCI and GemStone 3.4.3, would be pretty straightforward ...
But what do you mean? That you can port ( the GsDevKit/Magritte3 work into the magritte-metamodel/magritte project ) within a week?
The release history of magritte-metamodel/magritte[8] indicates that 3.5.4 was released in January of this year ... I've launched another GsDevKit/Magritte3 travis run for branch version_350[9] to see what the state of the GLASS Magritte3.5.0 port is ...
It lools like the Magritte 3.5.0 test[9] passes so it is likely that we'll be able to merge the GsDevKit/Magritte3 work into the magritte-metamodel/magritte project ...
I don't have full time to commit to doing this work, but barring any major surprises between Magritte 3.5.0 and Magritte 3.5.4 and later, it should only take a week or so of elapsed time for me to do the port ... if there are significant changes then all bets are off ...
I don't have a lot of time to mess around with porting projects that no one will use, so there are two different routes that I can take:
1. Port GsDevKit/Magritte which is known to run on GemStone
3.3.x and will likely run on GemStone 3.4.3 without a lot of
changes. Downside is that it is 4 years old and may not meet your
requirements. Going this route is likely to take around a week
elapsed time (not full time).
2. Port magritte-metamodel/magritte to GemStone ... there are
GemStone packages present, in the repository, but GemStone is not
in the travis lineup, so the GemStone code has not been tested for
a long time (maybe more than 4 years). Going this route will
likely take a week (elapsed --- not full time) just to figure out
how big of a job the port will be ...
You are currently trying to use magritte-metamodel/magritte with
Pharo 7.0.3, so it seems that the right answer is to spend time
porting , magritte-metamodel/magritte to GemStone ... then you'll
be using the same code base on Pharo and GemStone ... if there
aren't significant changes to Magritte in the last 4 years then a
couple of weeks would be a good guess ... and I can handle that
If this makes sense to you, then I will start work on the port tomorrow after I see your email:)