Is there any "correct'" way to render classes inhereted from PRCase? Here are the details:
I want to represent an object, say Clinic with fullDescription, address, etc. attributes. Currently I do such things the way I saw in Pier-Blog. I.e. I overloaded Person>>viewComponentClass to return PersonView. And there I do something like:
renderContentOn: html
super renderContentOn: html.
self renderFullDescriptionOn: html.
self renderAddressOn: html.
self renderDoctorsOn: html
It works ofcourse, but I feel there should be another way to explain Pier (or Magritte?) how to render Clinics as far as I described them.
And another part is about doctors. They are instances of Doctor which is surely inhereted from PRCase and properly described. I want to give a list of doctors in context of the clinic. Items of the list should represent some short form of doctors, I mean show some of Doctor's attributes. And when one of the doctors is selected I want all the information to be presented.
Now I do it just the same way:
- #renderDoctorsOn: outputs short information about each of them in context of the clinic
- full Doctors information is rendered by DoctorView component.
The question is just the same: I feel there must be another way to do it using metainformation I give about Doctors (and Clinics). Is there a "canonized" one?
And one more thing: I saw people mentioned "Tutorial" but I don't know where to get it. Perhaps it's where all answers are already given? :)
Dennis Schetinin