
I've created a PRJQuerySearchWidget as a plug in replacement for the existing PRAjaxSearchWidget. It uses the new Seaside JQuery autocomplete widget, which Lukas has recently added. I implemented it as I'm using other JQuery widgets on my page and didn't want to be without autocomplete search AND I haven't found a satisfactory way to mix scriptaculous and jquery widgets on the same page.

I'll check it in as soon as a couple of fixes go into Seaside: 

Currently if you create an default pier instance with:
   PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named: 'pier')

..Scriptaculous libraries (if present) are added in PRPierFrame class>>configureApplication:
Perhaps we should allow either JQuery or Scripaculous to be specified for this default implementation, or at least add the JQuery libraries (if present), if the Scriptaculous libraries are absent. 

