… I've found there's no form around Import and Export dialogs. Adding a form around Export helps, but Import still does not as file selection callback is still not invoked.

2011/3/20 Dennis Schetinin <chaetal@gmail.com>
I load Seaside, Pier and addons with the script below. Most things (at least those I've tried) works, but Import/Export widget. It simply ignores all clicks on Import and Export buttons. What's wrong (how is it possible?!) and how can I resolve this issue? BTW: Grease, Seaside, Magritte, Pier tests are green.


Gofer new
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) load.

Gofer new
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfPier2';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier2) load.

project := ConfigurationOfPier2 project.
(project version: '2.0.7') load.

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier2)  project latestVersion load: 'Pier-Tests-Model'.

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) project latestVersion
    load: #('Magritte2 Tests' 'Pier2 Tests').

Gofer new
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2) project latestVersion load: 'ALL'.

PRDistribution register.

Dennis Schetinin

Dennis Schetinin