Hello Nick,
I have put a few jQuery widgets to use with Magritte. Most notably a datepicker, a timepicker and an autocompleter for one-to-one relation lookups. I am stuck on forms right now and avoiding the "flipping" back effect. 
The code is in the Magritte2-Addons repository if you want to take a look.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Nick Ager <nick.ager@gmail.com> wrote:

I remember seeing a demo of a halo view for editing Pier components
that I think Lukas and Tudor worked on. Can anyone point me at a
repository containing the code?

I'm interested in building UIs where the user can edit in-place rather
than editing in a form which then flips to the resulting screen.  I'm
considering using something like JQWidgetBox-JEditable-* in
http://www.squeaksource.com/JQueryWidgetBox. Anyone with experience of
doing this kind of thing?


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
