I've updated Pier-Seaside in Pier2 repository with these changes. Shout if that doesn't make sense.
Hi,PRAjaxSearchWidget does not return any results using the latest Seaside3/Pier2 packagesSteps to reproduce* download latest build from: http://hudson.lukas-renggli.ch/job/Seaside%203.0/* open a workspace and execute:PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named: 'defaultKernel').
* type something into the search box, observe the XHR request/responses; the text typed is being sent, however no results are returned.The problem seems to be that the textInput callback is not called, however I noticed that the callback in SUAutocompleterTest is also never called. By mimicking the code in SUAutocompleterTest I have a local working version of PRAjaxSearchWidget, with the following changes:Old version:PRAjaxSearchWidget>>renderContentOn:.... html scriptaculous autocompleter ... on: #renderItemsOn: of: selfmodified version:PRAjaxSearchWidget>>renderContentOn:.... html scriptaculous autocompleter ... on: #renderItemsOn:for: of: selfOld version:PRAjaxSearchWidget>>renderItemsOn: htmlhtml unorderedList: [self items do: [ :each |html listItempassenger: each; " the only difference to the original "with: [ self renderItem: each on: html ] ] ]Modified version:PRAjaxSearchWidget>>renderItemsOn: html for: aStringself searchText: aString.html unorderedList: [self items do: [ :each |html listItempassenger: each; " the only difference to the original "with: [ self renderItem: each on: html ] ] ]If the above changes make sense, I'll push them into the repository.Nick