
I added code to the Wysiwyg editor to escape markup within text nodes. To illustrate here is an example from the (javascript) test-suite:

it("should escaped text containing link markup", function() {
expect("To create a link, put it between <code>*</code>").shouldParseInto("To create a link, put it between ==\\*==");

This works fine, the problem arises with:

it("should escaped text containing code markup", function() {
expect("To make something <code>monospaced</code>, surround it with <code>==</code>").shouldParseInto("To make something ==monospaced==, surround it with ==\\=\\===");

Should text containing '==' translate into '\==' OR '\=\='.

rendering ' ==\==== ' into html [1] results in: 
    '<p> <code>=</code>= </p>'

whereas rendering  '==\=\=== ' into html results in: 
    '<p> <code>==</code> </p>'

The html reflects the PRDocument structure. It seems that PRDocumentParser doesn't parse ' ==\==== ' as expected.
Worse the sequence: wiki text-> PRDocument -> wiki text fails:
     PRWikiWriter write: (PRDocumentParser parse:  ' ==\=\=== ')  => ' ==\==== '

However I have a fix. I've locally modified PRDocumentParser class>>#escape:using: so that any multi-character markup is multiply escaped:
 '@@' -> '\@\@'
 '--' => '\-\-'

This seems to solve the ambiguous parsing problem and the round-trip problem. Great. However many tests will need rewriting to reflect that any multi-character markup is escaped with multiple slashes. Before fixing the tests, I wanted to check that people thought it made sense.



[1] |  document renderer |
document := PRDocumentParser parse: ' ==\==== '.
renderer := PRViewRenderer new.
^ WAHtmlCanvas builder
fullDocument: false;
render: [ :r | renderer withinContentDo: [ renderer start:  document in: self on: r ] ].