On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Damien Cassou <damien.cassou@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Mariano Martinez
Peck<marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, I add one to my Pier site. Then I use the "Import Pictures" command and
> select a zip I have with pictures. After saving the upload I receive the
> error: "Import pictures: Only zip files are accepted"

It seems your file is not recognized by the zip algorithm of Squeak. I
don't know why, you will have to debug that.

After debugging I found this problem: when I upload a zip file in linux, the mimetype is "application/zip". And subtype is:

    "Answer the second part of the mime-type."

    ^ self mimetype copyAfter: $/

So PGImportArchiveCommand>>doValidate

when it does     (self file subtype = 'zip')   this is true :)

But, in Linux, the mimetype is "x-zip-compressed"....so subtype is 'x-zip-compressed'

and (self file subtype = 'zip')   gives false....

Now, does someone has a better idea than doing this piece of hack:


    super doValidate.
    (self file subtype = 'zip')
        ifFalse: [
            (self file subtype includesSubString: 'zip') ifFalse:[MAConditionError description: self description signal: 'Only zip files are accepted'] ].

However, after validating, when I press "save" I have another problem:

FileDoesNotExistException: '/home/mariano/squeak/imagenes/Seaside-2.8.4.app/Contents/Resources/files/46/rfxaf2dt4t7nyrzmg2cam6i1yknaji/pagina/PN Los Alerces.jpg'

The thing is that the folder "pagina" (the zip uncompressed) was never created. There can be a problem when trying to uncompress ?

where is this done? so that I can debug....

Thanks for the help :(



Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...