Thanks for the tips. Got it serving the image file at last, but its not
a pretty sight....
'?action=SWMimeView' produced a ByteArray doesNotUnderstand
#squeakToIso. Its blowing up in SWKom>>#prepareResponse:
Im guessing thats becuse it thinks that swResponse is html, rather
than a mime time? I can put a ugly hack in make it work, but im sure
there must be a better alternative......
prepareResponse: swResponse
| komResponse |
komResponse := HttpResponse new
contentType: swResponse type squeakToIso;
status: (HttpResponse statusSymbolFor: swResponse
contents: ((swResponse stream contents respondsTo:
#squeakToIso) ifTrue: [swResponse stream contents squeakToIso] ifFalse:
[swResponse stream contents asString]) readStream;
self prepareResponseHeader: komResponse from: swResponse.
swResponse cookies isEmpty ifFalse: [
self prepareResponseCookie: komResponse from: swResponse ].
If not, make sure that the mime type in the edit dialog of
the image
is set properly, it should be something like image/jpeg, image/ gif,
... Early ports ofSmallWiki didn't passed this information from the
web-server to SmallWiki, but I think that has been fixed. Another
thing you might want to check (in an
It knows it is an image/gif, but it ignors requests to embed the image.
Early on I thought that maybe I was running an old version of
smallwkik. Someone had prepared an image with smallwiki already loaded,
and thats the image I downloaded. Comparing it to the one in squeak map
showed no differences. Also tried the VW version, but that was even
Any more suggestions?