Hi John,

Thanks for the quick reply - so much appreciated :)

I checked the other permissions on the MainTemplate (this is the original MainTemplate created with the site) and other had no permissions. I added the "view" permission, but that didn't help, so for fun I added all permissions to other, but still no change.

Is it the MainTemplate that I was supposed to check? The MainTemplate is working, however, the changes I made to it in admin don't show up on the site. They only show up in admin.

I'll keep playing :) Do you know how I can delete the history of a page? I'm hoping that if I get rid of the history, then the new template will HAVE to show up :)

Kind Regards,


On 14/06/2013, at 7:25 AM, John McKeon <p3anoman@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Jupiter,
You might want to check the permissions of the "Other" group. When you create pages under Admin (or any other user) the rights to view that page (or any other object) are the same as the rights of the creator. Click on the Browse link at the top of the editing page, I believe that will show you the permissions.

Hope this helps

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Jupiter Jones <jupiter.jones@mail.com> wrote:
Hi Again,

Thanks Sean for letting me know my first post didn't get through and thanks for posting it for me.

Is there a way to throw away all the versions of a page except for the latest? I'm hoping that if I get rid of the history then the template changes will show up on the site.

Can anyone give me some advice on what could possible cause template updates to show nicely in admin, but not show up on the main site?

Also I tried copying the template to a new template then setting this new template as the root template, however, the choose buttons don't work on the settings page, and if I just type in the name of the template it doesn't save and reverts to the previous.

Please help :) Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm working on a short deadline and really want to get Pier up and running.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help.

Kind Regards,

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