Dear Lukas

Lukas Renggli <> hat am 8. Oktober 2008 um 16:38 geschrieben:

> >  How can I find out which (maybe minor version) I have got?
> >
> >  Something like
> >     PRKernel version
> >  in the sense of
> >     Smalltalk version
> That's hard to do like this, because it has to be maintained in the source code.

I assume that there is some "main" package with a prominent class which could hold this version string. Of course this has to be updated before releasing that package but this would be part of the process of releasing. As it is now I cannot easily find out what I have got and what not. 

> Normally it should be save to go use the Monticello Browser to update
> to the latest versions of Magritte and Pier. I regularly do that with
> all my deployed images.

How do I do that?

I assume I have to add the repositories

In a Monticello Browser: Click on "+Repository" and choose "http" repository and then add the string
    location: ''
    user: ''
    password: ''

I get a couple of packages. Is there a particular load order to use? Or do I just need to load Pier-All (currently I have Pier-All-lr.309.mcz)

However as I checked it out it seems that looking at the Monticello Browser I have got everything in the Squeak 3.10.2 image package wise. However the PRDistribution class is not in the image.

Kind regards

Hannes Hirzel